Friday, January 29, 2010


After Effects / Motion Graphics

WiiMote Hacking Info


MultiTouch Resources


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Members: Work Description, contact & BLOG url

In the pursuit of opening dialog and collaboration between all of you, here is a list of all members of the class followed by the type of work proposed, contact info and BLOG address for each member of the class.
Adam Lesh: BFA candidate in Painting, exploring the role of technology in painting, particularly addressing the role of depth and space in paintings by allowing viewers to experience new levels of perspective via 3D and interactive software. Tools: Painting, 3D modeling/texturing, Wii Head-Tracking. Contact: lesh at uoregon

Diane Gard: exploring the translation of language and semantics into visual forms, including light, pulses and interactive user experiences. Created 'Glowing Gratitude' piece in the Fall '09 experimental design class. Tools: Physical computing? Contact: gard at uoregon

Emily Lacy-Nichols: Honors thesis project in interactive animation piece exploring the distance between the Artist and the Viewer. This will involve the user's body being a mask between a top video layer (Flash rotoscoped style perhaps) and an underlying creative documentary process layer. Tools: Flash, VVVV (perhaps). Contact: elacynic at uoregon
BLOG: []

Max McNally: exploring real-time data processing and visualization. Tools: Flash, XML, Processing? Contact: mcnally at uoregon

Patrick Sullivan: showing transformation or augmented reality in 3D space. Tools: Blender 3D, programming, 3d printing. Contact: psulliv1 at uoregon

Peter Pazderski: grad in digital arts, exploring artificial intelligence and the potential of using genetic algorithms to teach a computer to learn about beauty and aesthetics. Tools: Processing, AI algorithms, multitouch development. Contact: pazdersk at uoregon

Kelcey Mead: exploring the integration of digital language (binary code) and textiles/knitting. Tools: binary conversion and knitting. Contact: kmead at uoregon
BLOG: []

Taylor Hughes: exploring animatics, building narratives from still images and moving graphic novel/comics. Tools: After Effects, illustration, inking, editing/timing/narratives. Contact: taylorh at uoregon

Sara Dubick: developing an online portfolio, paying special attention to personal style, typography to match visual style, and breadth of work. Tools: Dreamweaver, CSS, Flash. Contact: sdubick at uoregon

Russel Kamp: looking at the role of audio production and acapella, maintaing the human elements in the voice while adjusting the levels of production (autotune, etc). Tools: Pro tools, potentially flash. Contact: rkamp at uoregon 

Megan Shulz: exploring character design, story board / concept art and game development. Tools: drawing and illustrating, flash, programming point and click game development. Contact: mschulz4 at uoregon

Brad Saiki: thinking about print media and moving outside of the classroom. Considering projected work in public spaces, integration of social messages with subtle applications of vinyl and context-sensitive media. Tools: illustrator, vinyl, photography, 3d sculptural. Contact: bsaiki at uoregon

Joe Intile: Exploring illustrative and social messaging through print design. Tools: illustrator, vinyl cutter. Contact: jintile at uoregon
BLOG: []

Ben Olsen: Exploring film production, including narrative, editing and designing & using the tools of production. Tools: FCP, DIY tool building. Contact: bolsen3 at uoregon

Irene Landeros: learning about the tools and process of motion graphics. Tools: After effects, Blender 3D. Contact: ilandero at uoregon 
BLOG: []

Brian Aebi: exploring motion graphics and 3D animation. Some work may involve motion-graphics style logo development for demo reel, others may be a more experimental piece involving the rendering process. Tools: Blender 3D, After Effects. Contact: baebi at uoregon BLOG: []

Monday, November 23, 2009

Class List + Details

ARTD 406 "Special Problems" with John Park will be an unofficial course/group that meets once a week. The intention for this course is for Digital Arts students to be able to use the Special Problems class format - an opportunity for individuals to receive credit for individualized research and projects, and to merge it with a weekly meeting of peers and instructor. For all intensive purposes, these meetings will serve as a proxy for a studio artists support and critique group. Friday meetings will be used for members to develop ideas, explore working processes, materials and concepts, and to get feedback on your work throughout. This one-term format has been put forward as a response to student concern over the Digital Arts program being short on classes for Winter '10.  Members of this group are still being worked out, but some initial information will be detailed below.
Course # / Title: ARTD 406 "Special Problems"
Credits: 2.0 or fewer credits preferred, email about special cases.
Grading: Pass/No Pass preferred (P/NP)
Instructor: John Park
Meeting Time/Place: Fridays from 10AM-11:50AM, Fusion Lab (Millrace 2)
(Potential) Members and Project-Type:
Irene Landeros - Video compositing and experimental motion studies
Emily Lacy-Nichols - Honors Thesis work on Interactive installation with proximity & Flash
Joe Intile - Music and Cultural Analysis through visuals / poignant social messaging
Brad Saiki -  Design/Vinyl/Social Intervention (??)
Megan Schulz - Character Development / Storyboard Art Focus (??)
Chris Wilson - Electronics Hacking / modification of preexisting systems (??)
Ben Olsen - Film, production tools, non-linear editing (??)
Diane Gard - Conceptual Visualization Installations, sound and light
Kelcey Mead - Traditional Arts & Crafts Media mixed with Digital Tech
Adam Lesh - BFA Work with motion tracking
Emily Lacy-Nichols - Honors Thesis with realtime video manipulation
Taylor Hughes - Motion Graphics in After Effects
Max Mcnally  - Dynamic Program pulling from Twitter or XML
Russel Kamp - Interactive Audio / Beatbox machine
Peter Pazderski -  Touch Screen
Sara Dubick - ??

(Class Full)
Note: signing up for this course involves filling out paperwork from the art office (ask for the form to take Special Problems). The class CRN is 20954. Under the notes section of the form, please fill out some bullet points about the content of the work and goals you wish to achieve in the ten weeks, sign it and return the form to the art office (or bring the form to me in person).